Decking Our Halls

You want decorating your home for the holidays to be a precious family event. You envision something similar to the Hallmark commercial where the mother lovingly describes each ornament and its significance to her kids, who look on in wonder while lights twinkle in the background.   Decorations in pristine condition and all in their perfect, well thought out places.

That so did not happen in my house today.

Instead, my house was chaos as we unloaded our holiday Tupperware bins and tried to make some sense of how we organized everything last year when we packed them up.  Greenleigh had fun decorating the tree, but would only decorate one branch over and over and over again.  That’s right, she would put 3-4 ornaments on one branch, then take them off and rearrange them, only to put them all back, plus some.  Poor branch couldn’t handle the weight from all the ornaments and was dragging on the floor by the time we were done.  She would actually be a great tree decorating companion if she would venture away from that same branch.  Oh, and it would also be helpful if she would agree to sing more than the first line of Jingle Bells.  Cute at first, but after 2 hours, it gets a bit, um, tiresome?

Greenleigh's Branch

In between her attempts to scale the tree (because up is her new favorite direction), Hazeline made friends with the snowman ornaments.  And by friends, I mean they probably have teeth marks in them.  Well, tooth marks…she only has one tooth as of right now.  Who knew that ornaments made such great teethers?  Why spend the money at Babies ‘R’ Us?  We may just leave the Christmas ornaments out until she is done teething.

We did get the tree up and decorated, but the holidays are a lot more work than I remember.  And now let it begin, the choruses of “Don’t touch that”, “Don’t scale the Christmas tree”, and “Don’t eat the ornaments”, that will no doubt consume the next 6 weeks.

Why can’t my life be more like that Hallmark commercial?  I bet that mom never had to beg her kids to not scale the Christmas tree or eat the ornaments.


  1. That mom isn’t real! She doesn’t have the real deal–you do! Your real doesn’t look perfect today, but think about all the hugs and happy smiles you get just because you are Mom! Enjoy these times with your little one–even when it is exhusting and messy!

  2. You are making the memories that INSPIRE the Hallmark commercials!! That commercial is two minutes long…didn’t you have at least two minutes of perfection…? It looks like from your BEAUTIFUL pics that you had an amazing day. (thanks for joining the Newbie Blog Hop this week ;))

  3. That was pretty much the scene at our house will decorating, Ah, the life with a toddler! New follower to your blog!

  4. Funny Story, treasure these years, they go by so fast!

  5. haha too cute 🙂

    when we were putting the lights on ours, my youngest kept grabbing them pulling it off :/

    new follower from the hop 🙂 and twitter too 😉

  6. Lovely pics and well done Greenleigh :0) I look foward to the day when I can do this my son. At the moment his a master of destruction, lol

  7. Lovely post ~ so sweet ~ and recipe sounds creative and delicious ~ thanks for joining Magical Monday Meme ~ namaste, Carol ^_^

  8. So very, very festive! Thank you for linking up with Makes My Monday….hope you will often!

  9. The bottom branches of our tree are loaded up with the ornaments that our children put on themselves! Super sweet. Thanks so much for joining in on our Tag-Along Thursday Blog Hop, I am now following your lovely blog. Em


  1. […] those people.  Our tree is filled with tons of sentimental ornaments, none of which match.   Since Greenleigh was uninterested in hearing about the significance of the ornaments, I figured I would take a minute and give you a tour of our tree.  These are just a few of my […]

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